Robin, meet Bucky
"You're the sidekick for me, you know. I'm the leader of you. You're good luck for me."
-- overheard on the playground
A sub-genre of electric instrumental music that never caught on.
Crescat musica, vita excolatur.
"You're the sidekick for me, you know. I'm the leader of you. You're good luck for me."
-- overheard on the playground
Labels: Overheard on the playground
The first time i saw Eddie Murphy Delirious was on Betamax at John Hockenberry's house. I laughed so hard i nearly fell off the futon. I watched it again later, and still thought it was pretty funny, although i started to have doubts about the attitudes displayed towards gays, women, and pretty much everybody else (Bigfoot still seemed like fair game).
Labels: Criticism
What with Juan Williams getting a new $2 million dollar contract from Fox News, he should be able to make a nice contribution to his local NPR station.
There's more than one way to skin a cat, but I'd rather not be the cat.
A friend described her place of work as "perfectionism meets suppressed estrogen rage".
Labels: Criticism, You know what they say
Epistemology For Dummies
The Entomologist's Cookbook
Hagiography For Fun And Profit
Chicken Soup For The Atheist's Soul
Labels: Naming things
I'm working on a piece called "Trio Sonata for Bagpipes, Banjo and Accordion".
Labels: Naming things
"Don't tell me what to do! That's Mommy's job!"
-- my daughter
Labels: Criticism, You know what they say